Does the Color of Clothing Affect Your Fishing Success?

Have you ever wondered whether or not your choice of clothing factors into how many fish you catch? Although we’re fairly certain that fish can’t tell the difference between a pair of high end Gucci dress pants and your favorite pair of Levi’s, you might be surprised to learn that some species of fish can distinguish one color from another quite well!

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Top 10 Best Fishing Lures

I was recently asked; “If I were in a life and death situation where I had to catch fish to eat in order to survive, which fishing lures would I want to have with me in order to ensure my survival?” My immediate answer was “all of the lures in my tackle box.” The question was then rephrased in such a way where I was asked to name the top 10 best fishing lures that I would want to have with me in a life and death survival situation. Keep in mind that I do most of my fishing in the Berkshires as well as in Simsbury, Granby, and Farmington, Connectecut, so I’ve only had the chance to test these fishing lures in my own region. If your experiences vary based on your geographic location please be sure to share your comments with me.

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